It's set in America, and the film's writer and director are from America, but it was produced by Kasander Film Company and Cinéa which are from the Netherlands and France, respectively. Probably the most infamous scene in the film. Erotic Asphyxiation: Tate does this.in VERY graphic detail.Dysfunction Junction: When the kid that's cheating on his girlfriend with her mother is the least messed up one of the cast, you know the characters have some serious issues.All of the parental figures in the film have failed their youth in some grievous way. An Aesop: The film carries a strong message of warning against improper parenting and the consequences it can bring.The latter seems like a decent parent at first, until he catches Peaches about to have sex with a friend of hers). Abusive Parents: Claude's and Peaches's fathers (the former sees Claude as nothing but a weak failure.The title character, Ken Park, commits suicide in the opening.